July 10, 2011


By launching the Google+,Google trying to end the monopoly of Facebook in Social network world for the past years.The Facebook and Twitter was giving a majority role in the search results.However we can ensure that the Twitter feeds may not be visible in the Google search results since,the the contract of Google with the Twitter has ended.

Google+ Feeds

Even this parts are very clear,the SEO world unable to predict the influence of the Google+ in the search results in near by future.But the news are coming that Google going to include the Google+ feeds in search results instead of Twitter feeds.If that is happened in future it will make a huge influence in Search results.


Sparks is the one of the other feature available in the Google+.By the help of Sparks the users can find their interests and can pin into their profile.The sparks also will make a role in the SEO.SEO community is trying to get indexed in sparks,since it is amazing feature available in Google+ and may rule in the future.

Posts in Google+

Posts are the major part in the Google+.Google indexes only public pages from Google+.It is not included any private pages in to search results.So the public posts and the comments on it is indexed in the Google very soon.It states that the Google+ makes a major role in SEO.

We have to wait some more days to understand how exactly the Google+ will help in SEO.

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